Chest Workout

Chest Workout

The chest muscle is the strongest and largest muscle in the upper torso.  It is attached to one end of the humerus, and the other of clavicle, ribs and sternum, his antagonistic muscles are the deltoid and trapezius.


1.Barbell Bench Press
Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Other Muscles: Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment: Barbell
Mechanics Type: Compound


Lie supine on bench.  Get off the barbell from rack over upper chest using a wide oblique overhand grip.  Lower weight to mid-chest.  Push the  bar upward until arms are extended.

2.Dumbbell Bench Press
Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Other Muscles: Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment: Dumbbell
Mechanics Type: Compound


For this exercise u need a flat bench with a pair of dumbbells.  Lie flat on the bench with your feet on the floor for a better balance with a dumbbell in each hand.  Grab the dumbbells straight overhead, palms facing forwards.  Then  lower the weights to your outer chest stretching chest to maximum at the bottom.  Raise it until your arms are almost fully extended but not locked. 

3.Barbell Incline Bench Press
Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Other Muscles: Shoulders, Triceps

Equipment: Barbell
Movement Type: Compound


Lie supine on incline bench.  Get down the barbell from rack above your upper chest using a wide oblique overhand grip.  Then lower the weight to the upper chest until the arms are extended.

4.Dumbbell Flyes
Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Equipment: Dumbbell
Mechanics Type: Isolation


Pick a pair of dumbbells and lie on a bench.  For better balance  keep your feet on floor while u lie flat on the bench.  Grasp the dumbbells at arms length above you with palms facing each other.  Lower the dumbbells as far as possible on the sides pushing up  your chest with force as you do so.  Slightly bend the arms at the elbows.  Then return the weight to the starting position,


5.Cable Crossover
Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Other Muscles: Shoulders
Equipment: Cable
Mechanics Type: Isolation


For this exercise u need a cable pulley machine that has a pulley on two opposite sides.  Lock each pulley  in the high position.  Hold each high pulley using a small one-hand attachment for each hand.  Slowly bring your arms together in a slow and controlled pace.  On the top of your movement flex your chest muscles together for a one-count and then return to the starting position.


Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Other Muscles: Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment: Body Only
Mechanics Type: Compound


 Lie on the floor with the face down and your palms just  outside your shoulders, holding your torso up at arms length.  Lower yourself down till your  your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale.  Then breathe out pressing  your upper body back up to the starting position, squeezing hard your chest.


7.Dips - Chest Version
Main Muscle Worked: Chest
Other Muscles: Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment: Other
Mechanics Type: Compound


Same as the triceps version, except you are leaning forward, this times, which involves the lower chest.  On the parallel bars, grip the handles and push yourself up to the starting position.  With elbows close to body and hips straight, lower body until shoulders are slightly stretched.   Push body up in same posture and repeat.  You can bend and cross your legs or keep them straight.  You can add weight by using a dip belt.